用英语打招呼 Basic greetings

There are many ways to greet someone. We’ll learn about the most common way to greet someone in this lesson. I’ll give a variety of example sentences.


Greeting someone you never met:(初次见面:)
“Hi, my name is Steve. It’s nice to meet you.”(嗨!我名字叫做史蒂夫,很高兴认识你!)
You can respond to this by saying,你可以这样回答:
“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Jack.”

Another common question to ask is

“What do you do for a living?”你从事什么工作?

You can respond to this by saying,

“I work at a restaurant.”我在餐厅工作
“I work at a bank.”我在银行工作
“I work in a software company.”我在一家软件公司工作
“I’m a dentist.”我是一个牙医

Usually, you will not need to ask for a name. It is implied that each person should say their name. But in case they don’t, you can ask,

“What is your name?”

Many times, I don’t hear the name. If you would like for them to repeat their name, you can say,



“What was that again?”叫什么来着?
“Excuse me?” 抱歉,(我没听清)
“Pardon me?”  能麻烦您重复一下吗?



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